COVID-19 Guidelines for On-Campus Operations
Communication to All Employees
Re: On-Campus Operations in Response to COVID-19
(Policy Revised: August 4, 2021)
There have been more than 1 million COVID-19 infections and more than 13 thousand COVID-19 deaths in NC. Due to all efforts taken to slow the spread and the availability of several vaccines approved for emergency use, the infection and death rates have begun to decline during the summer. That said, the pandemic is not yet behind us and this constantly changing virus is producing multiple variants. The CDC is currently monitoring four (4) notable variants that continue to be a very real concern nationwide – especially for persons who are unvaccinated.
The CDC advises that the available vaccines are highly effective at protecting vaccinated people against symptomatic and severe COVID-19 and recommends that a growing body of evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID-19 to others. If you are not yet vaccinated, we urge you to Reserve Your Spot, You Have A Shot. There are many options for where you can get your vaccination and you can check here to reserve your spot.
While the nation had been experiencing lower rates of COVID-19, the Delta variant is reported to be highly contagious and thus the spread of the virus is accelerating again. On July 29, NC reported more than 3,000 positive cases of COVID and due this changing fact pattern, we will not relax our on-campus mask guidelines as previously planned. These guidelines are subject to change as needed to respond to new or updated guidance from federal, state, and/or local public healthcare officials.
Returning to Campus for the 2021 Fall Semester:
- At this time, it is not mandatory for all employees to be fully vaccinated. However, faculty and staff must have either proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID-19 test on file in HR before reporting to work for the fall semester.
- Employees who do not provided a copy of their vaccination card must also provide a negative COVID test weekly, by noon, on Fridays.
For Staff Employees:
- Staff employees must provide proof of being fully vaccinated or a copy of their NEGATIVE COVID test prior to returning to campus on Monday, August 2nd
- You can get your COVID test as early as July 27th, but not earlier
- If you do not already have a vaccination card on file with HR, you must send a copy of your VACCINATION CARD OR NEGATIVE COVID testto before Monday, August 2nd.
- After August 2nd, if you do not have a fully vaccinated card on file in HR, you must provide your area Vice President a negative COVID test weekly, by Noon on Friday, beginning August 13th.
For Faculty (Full-Time & Part-Time):
- Faculty must provide proof of being fully vaccinated or a copy of their NEGATIVE COVID test by Tuesday, August 10th
- You can get your COVID test as early as August 3rd, but not earlier
- If you do not already have a vaccination card on file with HR, you must send a copy of your VACCINATION CARD OR NEGATIVE COVID test to before Tuesday, August 10th.
- After August 10th, if you do not have a fully vaccinated card on file in HR, you must provide Dr. Lockhart a negative COVID test weekly, by Noon on Friday, beginning August 20th.
If you feel you have a unique situation that prevents or makes it difficult to meet this requirement, please email or call Terry Wright at (919) 280-6603 before your stated deadline so we can discuss your situation and help determine how to best get you cleared for returning to the campus.
Wellness Check:
To help ensure the safety and wellness of all individuals, each employee must continue to conduct their own wellness check each day prior to reporting to work. An individual experiencing any, COVID-Like Symptoms shall NOT report to work and follow the normal procedure for notifying their supervisor.
Face Coverings:
Face coverings will be required for all employees when indoors and not able to social distance.
Social Distancing:
While fully vaccinated employees will not be required to social distance. Unvaccinated employees must continue to practice social distancing. Some fully vaccinated employees will feel most safe if they are provided opportunities to practice social distancing.
Facilities Upgrades:
Facilities enhancements put into place to help reduce the risk of virus transmission including, but not limited to: sneeze guards, permanent door props, door closures with hold open features, foot pulls to provide a no-hands way of opening doors will continue to be provided.
Personal Sanitizing:
Soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will be provided. The recommendation remains in place for frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizing stations that are available throughout campus.
Enhanced Cleaning Protocols:
We have initiated enhanced cleaning protocols throughout our campus. All high-touch areas will be cleaned and disinfected routinely by Facilities and/or Housekeeping in accordance with guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Disposable gloves and/or disinfectant wipes will be provided at copiers. Unless informed otherwise, disinfecting of office surfaces is the responsibility of office personnel (e.g., desks, phones, computer keyboards, tables, chairs, file drawer handles, and doorknobs).
Authorized to Work from Home:
All operations will be conducted on-campus. That said, it is possible that COVID-19 could present a set of circumstances where it would be appropriate for the College to temporarily approve an employee’s need to work from home. Any potential need to work from home will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and can only be approved by the President.
While meetings can be scheduled/held as normal, the meeting planner should consider that both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees may be in attendance so plan accordingly and make sure your selected meeting space will allow for social distancing.
Visitors and contractors are again permitted to visit our campus. Visitors should check in with the Receptionist in Main. Contractors shall check in at the Facilities Office.
Work-Related Travel:
Employees may again follow normal procedures for work-related travel.
Personal Travel:
COVID-19 Testing/Quarantines/Isolation:
- Fully Vaccinated Employees:
- will NOT be required to test or quarantine if exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual
- will NOT be required to test should there be a need to again implement random COVID-19 testing*
- WILL be required to isolate should they become infected (test positive for COVID-19)
- If a fully vaccinated employee becomes infected and must isolate, the College will provide paid time off for scheduled work hours missed during the 10-day isolation period.
- Unvaccinated Employees:
- WILL be required to provide a negative COVID test weekly
- WILL be required to quarantine if exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual
- WILL be required to isolate should they become infected (test positive for COVID-19)
- the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) benefit for paid sick leave is currently set to expire on September 30th
*This could change if CDC recommends a vaccine “booster” and an employee elects not to get the booster
HR will continue to work with employees (and their supervisor) on a case-by-case basis who have underlying health concerns and/or have been instructed by a healthcare provider or a public health agency to quarantine/isolate. Based on individual circumstances, HR will apply these FFCRA benefits.
COVID-19 Positive Tests:
In the event of a confirmed case on campus the COVID-19 Response Team that includes facilities, student life, admissions, and HR will continue to follow CDC guidelines to remediate and sanitize the impacted area(s).
Because a COVID-19 diagnosis is considered confidential medical information under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), employers are prohibited from sharing such information. Nevertheless, the College will disclose enough information to satisfy the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (“OSHA”) general duty clause. An employee’s supervisor is most likely to be the first to learn of an employee’s COVID-19 diagnosis. With that in mind, supervisors are to report any disclosed positive COVID-19 test immediately to HR and be reminded that they should maintain the confidentiality of any such report.
Based on case specifics, the College (President’s Office or his designee) will disseminate any COVID-19 related community notifications.
Individual compliance with these guidelines is essential to providing the safest workplace environment possible and everyone is expected to honor and follow these guidelines in an effort to protect others and themselves. If you have any questions, concerns or personal circumstances that might be in conflict with these guidelines, please discuss them with your supervisor. Also, Human Resources is available as a resource.
(Revised: 8/04/2021)
What Do I Do If I Have Symptoms?
Communication to all Faculty and Staff on March 16, 2020
Terry Wright, Director of Human Resources
Our efforts are and will continue to be focused on the health, safety, and well-being of all members of the LC community. You can create a plan of action for your household and family members by reviewing the CDC's guidance provided HERE.
In the workplace, we want to remind all employees to put their safety first and follow the expert guidance provided by the CDC: CDC Coronavirus Prevention Protocol.
- If you are home and begin to feel sick, Do NOT report to work.
- contact your primary care provider for guidance on getting checked/tested = BEFORE you go to the office
- if you do not have a primary care provider, contact your local health department or local urgent care = BEFORE you go to the facility
- follow the normal practice of contacting your supervisor
- virtually visit the CDC's guidance page HERE.
- If you are at work and start to feel sick:
- please notify your supervisor
- go home
- contact your primary healthcare provider for guidance on getting checked/tested = BEFORE you go to the office
- if you do not have a primary care provider, contact your local health department or local urgent care = BEFORE you go to the facility
- What to do if someone in your home gets sick:
- contact their primary healthcare provider for guidance on getting checked/tested = BEFORE you go to the office
- if they do not have a primary care provider, contact your local health department or local urgent care = BEFORE you go to the facility
- virtually visit the CDC's guidance page HERE.
- notify your supervisor
- if coronavirus is confirmed for a family member, Do NOT report to work
If you experience a healthcare concern that is not related to COVID-19 and you prefer not to visit a medical office, you might consider a Telehealth virtual visit. There are a number of routine/non-emergency needs that can be met virtually.
Vector Solutions, a training partner to the College, has provided a Coronavirus video to help you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. Access the video HERE. This short 9-minute video features critical information about the coronavirus, including:
- How coronavirus spreads
- How to recognize symptoms
- How to prevent and treat the virus
- What to do if you become sick with the virus
We strongly encourage you to share this video with your family and friends so that we can collectively take proactive steps to stay healthy and prevent illness in the workplace and at home. Please exercise safe practices and social distancing for yourself and others.